Monthly Archives: January 2009

Hard to believe

and I had indeed little difficulty believing at first, but yes, I’m that good. Y’know, on second thought, why is that hard to believe? I have always known. Good God.

Categories: journal | 6 Comments


So I went to watch Australia this wednesday afternoon at INOX Forum. The thing is, all I remember of the movie was Hugh Jackman near the beginning telling Nicole Kidman ‘this is Australia’. And there was a bloodied dead kangaroo over a car. Or was it a koala? I honestly don’t remember watching a single minute of the 160 minute long movie. Now that I think of it seems all the 160 minutes flew by in mere 16 minutes. It was that intense.

To top of it all, I mightily perturbed the hunky Jackman bliss of a bunch of Buddhist female monks sitting across the aisle. Australia was rough and wild indeed.

Categories: journal, Movies, Places | 4 Comments

It’s strange

but suddenly I find myself like a new man. I can feel the change down to my bone marrow. Yes, for the better or worse everything has changed.

Also, funnily enough, I suddenly find myself wanted by angry exotic creatures with sharp claws and long hair. Them nails are dangerous. They dig deep beneath the skin. Now that’s painful.  But I don’t mind. No sir not at all. I want the blood to spill.

Then there’s the fact I have been a very bad boy lately. I hope God is as merciful as he is talked about for I will test his absolute limits. I don’t deserve to be forgiven for all the sin, the pain and torture I’ve inflicted of late. Or maybe I do. Because deep down I am Mr. Goody Two Pants. No, seriously. I was a teacher’s pet at school. Class monitor. Ha!

Interesting start to 2009 though. Very interesting.

Categories: Anticipations, confessions, journal | 4 Comments

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